Balanced & Nutritious Cattle Feed
High-quality cattle ingredients lead to a more balanced feed. Quincy Farm Products specializes in upcycling food by-products to manufacture sustainable, animal grade feed ingredients.
By using our cattle ingredients, farmers can have more control over the quality of the feed they provide to their animals. Our feeds are customizable to fit the needs of each farmer and their unique livestock. We process a range of options, including grains, vegetable matter, and fibers, that are processed in a way that maintains their nutritional content.
Cattle ingredients can be sold separately or mixed, depending on your needs.
formulated to meet the nutritional requirements
of beef and dairy cattle.
Why Choose Quincy Farm Products for Cattle Ingredients?
Quincy Farm Products is paving the way for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to livestock and cattle feed production.
Upcycling for Sustainability
Our upcycling process combats growing concern around food waste and its environmental impact on landfills.
Affordable Quality
Throughout the years, we have shown that food waste can be turned into valuable feed ingredients that improve the quality of livestock and cattle feed.
Customizable Ingredients
Our products are customizable to fit specific farmer needs and ensure maximum productivity and performance in their animals. Super sacked, bulk single ingredient, and mixed feed options are fulfilled by the truckload.
How to Buy Cattle Ingredients
Cattle ingredients can be sold separately or mixed together in super sacks and bulk. After you contact us, an Account Logistics Coordinator will be assigned to your account to arrange shipping and logistics, so all you have to do is tell us what you need and when you need it.