Nutritious Swine Feed Ingredients
Swine feed formulations can be highly specific. They require a combination of various ingredients that provide all the necessary nutrients that animals need. Quincy Farm Products specializes in formulating and manufacturing swine feed ingredients for farmers and the agricultural industry. By upcycling food waste and by-products, we create nutrient-dense ingredients that promote healthy animal living.
Swine ingredients can be sold separately or mixed, depending on your needs.
promote growth and healthy living
for your animals.
Why Choose Quincy Farm Products for Swine Ingredients?
Sustainable Diet
Incorporating upcycled swine feed ingredients into the swine diet has shown great results in both meat production and feed conversion. Given the nutrient density of upcycled ingredients, swine can consume less feed while maintaining their growth rate. Our upcycled components also improve meat quality as they contain fat and protein that contribute to nutritional value.
Digestion Aid
Along with a sustainable diet, swine feed ingredients from Quincy Farm products offer digestion aid benefits.
Balanced Nutrients: We provide a balanced mix of nutrients which are essential for efficient digestion and absorption. Our ingredients ensure swine can get a mixed diet that meets all their nutritional needs.
Reduced Feed Intolerance: By using a variety of upcycled feed ingredients, farmers can reduce the risk of feed intolerance or allergies that can disrupt digestion. Swine receive a more diverse diet, reducing dependence on a single type of feed ingredient.
How to Buy Swine Ingredients
Swine ingredients can be sold separately or mixed together in super sacks and bulk. After you contact us, a dedicated manager and Account Logistics Coordinator will be assigned to your account to arrange shipping and logistics, so all you have to do is tell us what you need and when you need it.